Ubuntu – Mozilla Firefox 12 is very slow on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


Mozilla Firefox 12 is very slow on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I'm saying this because I'm using it side by side with PC. I doubt that hardware acceleration was enabled with Firefox on Ubuntu, even with css animation, it lags just like my grand dad. So, how can I check it?

I have enabled the option in advance tab. I have installed my GPU driver, however my ATI Radeon HD5650 GPU on my laptop is VESA: MADISON in system detail, is this all right?

I still can't change to Chromium because it is very buggy unlike Chrome, and with its boring add-on/extension, I don't think I would want to change soon. Opera is a good deal but it can't render my language correctly. So, Firefox is my only choice, even on PC, and it's the fastest browser on PC, and the slowest browser on Ubuntu. Please help me fix this, thanks.

Best Answer

The problem is most likely with your graphics driver.

Attempt to install the ATI binary driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI