Ubuntu – Mounting/unmounting TrueCrypt volumes without opening the program


I used the advice given at the end of this article
to mount a TrueCrypt volume by double-clicking it. But I can't unmount it without opening TrueCrypt (umount: /media/truecrypt1 is not in the fstab (and you are not root)) so being able to mount it without opening the program is kind of a moot achievement. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Suggestion One

You can use a terminal to unmount it.

For example, I have an encrypted file named enc1 that is on /home/desgua/Dropbox/, so to mount it I should use:

truecrypt --mount /home/desgua/Dropbox/enc1 /mnt/mymountpoint/

And to unmount:

truecrypt -d /home/desgua/Dropbox/enc1

or simple:

truecrypt -d (which should unmount every truecrypted mounted files)


Suggestion Two

Also you can create a launcher to unmount it:

1) Paste this at terminal: gedit ~/Desktop/unmounttruecrypt.desktop,

2) Then paste this into the file and save:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Unmount Truecrypt
Comment=Unmount all mounted Truecrypt files
Exec=gnome-terminal -e "bash -c \"truecrypt -d ; exit; exec bash\""

3) Now look at your desktop and drag the file to the Launcher.


Suggestion Three

Make a script to unmount it for you:

1) Paste this at terminal: gedit ~/Desktop/utscript,

2) Then paste this into the file and save:

mnt=$(mountpoint /mnt/mymountpoint/) # See suggestion One

if [[ $mnt == "/mnt/mymountpoint/ is a mountpoint" ]]; then

    truecrypt -d /home/desgua/Dropbox/enc1 | zenity --progress --percentage=40 --auto-close --title="Unmounting" --text="I am umounting it now."
    sleep 2 | zenity --progress --percentage=100 --auto-close --title="Done!" --text="Done unmounting!" 

    sleep 2 | zenity --progress --percentage=100 --auto-close --title="Already done!" --text="It is unmounted already!" 


exit 0  

4) Paste this at terminal: chmod +x ~/Desktop/utscript