Ubuntu – Mounting TrueCrypt container on share


I have a TrueCrypt container on a Windows share that I'm trying to mount from Ubuntu. However, I consistently get a "Permission Denied" error.

I am using /home/kent/.gvfs/share on server/path/to/container as the path. I have tried mounting with the default options, mounting as read-only, and mounting to a specific directory. I get the same error regardless.

If I copy the container to my local Ubuntu machine then I can mount it and access it without issue. On a Windows desktop, I can mount it over the network without issue.

How can I mount this container from Ubuntu over my network?

Best Answer

.gvfs is a virtual mountpoint not owned by your login user (hence you don't have write-access to it). You will need to set up a mount point manually, e.g.

$ sudo mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt -o username=windowsuser,password=windowspassword

Once you have this you can mount the volume from there (in this example, /mnt) and it should work as expected.