Ubuntu – Mounting an iPad Documents folder in 15.04


My desktop computer runs Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet. I have an iPad2 running iOS 8.4.

I have installed libimobiledevice 1.2 and ifuse 1.1.2

When I connect my iPad to the computer, the system only detects an "iPad" folder, but the Document folder that used to appear when mounting the iDevices is not there. Rhythmbox and Shotwell work fine, though.

Can someone shed a little bit of light there? I've been using some of the apps' WiFi upload capabilities, but it's too slow when transferring big media files.

Thank you for any input.

Best Answer

Update: This now has a GUI, check it out here.

This worked for iOS 8.3 device:

1) According to this it needs new ifuse install that matches libimobiledevide. According to this the --documents command was added in 1.1.3 and the version in Ubuntu is 1.1.2. So, I downloaded the ifuse-1.1.3.tar.bz2 from the site.

2) Install fuse library or configure will complain: sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev build-essential

3) Run ./configure in the unzipped folder, then make and make install as described in the readme file.

4) Verify it upgraded by running ifuse --version (1.1.3)

5) Add yourself to fuse users:

sudo modprobe fuse
sudo adduser $USER fuse

and log out, log back in.

---- (The GUI linked above will run the steps below, much easier) ----

6) Create a folder to mount an app's documents, say, mkdir /tmp/vlctest/

7) To connect to the VLC app for example, run ifuse --documents org.videolan.vlc-ios /tmp/vlctest/

8) When done, unmount with fusermount -u /tmp/vlctest

Unfortunately the ideviceinstaller isn't compiling for me, even with libzip-dev installed. It apparently hasn't been updated for recent libimobiledevice in a loong time.

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