Ubuntu – mount error(13): Permission denied


I know this question has been asked before, but I've been looking for a solution for a couple of hours now and nothing seems to be working.

The frustrating thing is that it used to work on my previous install, so I know the commands I try should work.

I'm running a vanilla install of Ubuntu 13.04 server.

I have a server running at and two shares: LaCie and Seagate 2TB.

I used to have these lines in my fstab file:

//\0402TB /home/Windows cifs user=admin,password=password,uid=1000 0 0

Now that I re-installed my server, but don't need it permanently I tried the following:

sudo mount.cifs // ~/lacie -o user=admin


sudo mount -t cifs -o username='admin',password='<password>' // ~/lacie

However, I get the error mount error(13): Permission denied.

I'm sure the credentials are correct. Nothing has changed at the windows side.

Also, I installed the packages samba, cifs-utils too. Nothing helped.

Best Answer

i had this same error. what solved it for me is reverting mount.cifs's security parameter back to its previous default as indicated here and in mount.cifs' manpage:

The default in mainline kernel versions prior to v3.8 was sec=ntlm. In v3.8, the default was changed to sec=ntlmssp.

in your case, the new command would be

sudo mount.cifs // ~/lacie -o user=admin,sec=ntlm

notice sec=ntlm at the end

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