Ubuntu – Mkv thumbnails are not generating at all


After updating to Ubuntu 17.04 my .mkv files aren't showing any thumbnails

What have I tried so far?

  1. Installed ubuntu-restricted-extras that didn't work.
  2. Rebooted after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras
  3. Tried this answer but it's for Trusty not 17.04
  4. Tried changing thumbnail size is nautilus preferences.

as of yet, nothing has helped


Best Answer

Failed thumbnail creation attempts are cached to prevent repeated attempts for performance. So those files are still ignored after you've fixed thumbnail creation.
Those failed files are stored in ~/.cache/thumbnails/fail, delete one or all.

Also, there's a file size limit in Preferences -> Search & Preview(Gnome file manager previously called Nautilus), usually files larger than 10MB are ignored in thumbnail creation. Maximum size can be set to 4GB.