Ubuntu – Minimal terminal editor alternative to vi and nano


What terminal/console mode alternatives to vi/vim and nano are available? I am looking for minimal, good looking and friendly text mode editor for complete newbies with PC.

I remember I've seen somewhere a terminal editor that showed menu on Esc instead of cryptic (and somewhat ugly) ^X shortcuts an the bottom, but searching through GitHub I couldn't find it.

UPDATE: It appeared that "friendly for complete newbies" requires more explanation. Let's take a common scenario when user tries to use vim for the first time (which is often set as a default editor). When vim runs with text to edit, there is no help displayed and typing produces strange results, so users hit Esc or F1 and it "doesn't work". A friendly editor, for example, would show help on F1 key, contain menu system with highlighted shortcuts, provide syntax highlighting out of the box, and do that all by default.

Best Answer

micro shows help on F1, implements syntax highlighting, exits on Esc. No menus, but supports plugins.