Mouse – Fix Marble Mouse Middle Click Fail in Ubuntu 12.04


On recently upgrading to 12.04, I find that the middle click with my logictec marble mouse doesn't work any more (formally achieved by clicking both buttons). Anoying since I can't do a middle-click paste.

Can anyone think of an easy solution? Or should I file a bug?

(theres's already a launchpad question on this, and here's the oldish ubuntu page for configuring a marble mouse.

Best Answer

I found the answer here and here. You need to run the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse middle-button-enabled true

You only need to do this once - Gnome remebers the setting for your next logon - though you need to do it for each user. If someone knows a way around this, feel free to edit this answer (:

It seems Gnome sets this to 'false' by default, and does so after xorg does it's settings (so it overrides xorg settings in xorg.conf or ...-evdev.conf etc..)

The setting can also be changed with the dconf-editor in the dconf-tools package (thanks Walt). Go to org::gnome::settings-daemon::peripherals::mouse and tick 'middle-button-enabled'.