Ubuntu – Make shell script default to run file extension


I'm trying to make the default application for .asm file extension to be a shell script that I made. Basically I have a .sh script that runs MIPS Mars and I want to make it the default application to open assembly .asm files. My problem is that while I can add my .sh script to the app menu using main menu app from the store, I can't make my script appear in the list of open with programs for .asm files.

Best Answer

You can try creating a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications (or ~/.local/share/applications, if only for one user) like explained here (works for other desktops too).

To link this program to .asm files you first have to create a mimetype for .asm files.

In order to do so you have to add/modify the line

text/x-asm                asm

in /etc/mime.types

In the .desktop file you should add the line


so it's added to the "Open with" menu.

To finally make your script the default application for .asm files add


to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list

Edit: To make it work immediately you should probably run update-desktop-database after your changes.