Ubuntu – Macbook Air Touchpad


I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my macbook air. Everything is working great except for one thing. The touchpad behaves slightly different than what it does on the Macbook.

In OSX I can move the mouse event though another finger is touching the surface. IE. if one finger is still and another moves, the mouse moves as normal. This is not the case in ubuntu. The mouse stops moving as soon as the second finger touches the touchpad. This is very annoying because part of my palm or left thumb regularly hits it by accident, stopping the mouse-movement. Not a big issue, but if I could get rid of it, that would be great. Normal 2-finger-scroll works the same way it does on my mac, so it's not because multi-touch isn't working, it seems.

Thanks alot in advance

Best Answer

Installing the x86-input-mtrack driver makes the trackpad on my 2012 MacBook Air (Ubuntu 14.04) just as usable as under OS X. It supports resting the thumb/palm on the trackpad while using it, and 3/4-finger swipe gestures.