Ubuntu – Mac OS X Terminal clone for Ubuntu

command linefontsgnome-terminalmacthemes

I would like to set the Max OS X Terminal theme for Ubuntu Terminal. I really like the fonts and the colors. This is how the Mac Terminal does look:

Image source

There are few things that I want to see in the Ubuntu Terminal:

  • I want to replace username@desktop:~/Dropbox$ with the username and the computer name in this format: desktop:Dropbox username$

  • I want to change the Terminal font to look like in the Mac terminal.

  • I want to change the color scheme to be like the Mac terminal color scheme.

Is this possible? How?

Note that I don't want to change the Ubuntu theme. I use Unity with default theme, but I want to change only the terminal settings because it's the most used application by me.

Best Answer

Changing the prompt style

To change the prompt format, add the following lines in ~/.bashrc file:

### Prompt style
export PS1="\033[0;33m\h:\W \u\$ \e[m"

Now the terminal looks like this:

Terminal font

Intall Monaco font. You can run this in Terminal:

curl -kL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cstrap/monaco-font/master/install-font-ubuntu.sh | bash

Warning: You may have issues with this font in browser. This is discussed here.

Then set the Terminal font to use Monacao: go to Edit -> Profile Preferences and change the font:

Color scheme

Save the following content into an XML file:

  <entrylist base="/apps/gnome-terminal">
        <list type="string">
        <list type="string">
        <string>Monaco Bold 10</string>

Then import the color scheme running the following command:

gconftool-2 --load terminal-color-scheme.xml

...where terminal-color-scheme.xml is the name of the XML file that contains the content above.

After that, your terminal will look like below:

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