Ubuntu – lxsession


Running lxsession my appearance settings changed to something that looked like the LXDE session (while my normal session is Lubuntu).

Running lxsession-edit opens the Desktop Sessions Settings that allows to decide which programs should start automatically at login.

Running lxsession-logout opens the options to logout, shut down and so on.

In /home/username/.config/lxsession there are 2 directories (Lubuntu and LXDE) containing a file called desktop.conf.

Can I save sessions in Lxsession, and does it have other options beside what its main definition states ("LXSession is the standard session manager used by LXDE. LXSession automatically starts a set of applications and sets up a working desktop environment")?

Best Answer

As you have already quoted,

LXSession is the standard session manager used by LXDE. LXSession automatically starts a set of applications and sets up a working desktop environment

This is it. The lxsession is the session starter and manager for standard LXDE desktop. But Lubuntu uses a customized version of LXDE session which is started by startlubuntu program.

The manual page saying this

A session manager is used to automatically start a set of applications and set up a working desktop environment. Moreover, when the user logout, it remembers the applications in use, and restart them the next time you login.

So, it is clear that lxsession can save session state.

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