Ubuntu – ls command is only showing files, and no folders (spaces? instead of them)


Today I typed ls command in my home directory, and it only showed "examples.desktop" and not the folders. But in the past, it showed all the folders like Documents and Downloads. What is the problem and is there a way to fix that?


enter image description here

Output of alias ls

  alias ls='ls --color=auto'

Best Answer

Based on your screenshot, it appears that the files are indeed being displayed. It's just that they happen to have the same color as the background so you are not seeing them.

Some solutions:

1) (recommended) Change the color scheme: Make sure nothing shares the same color as the background by opening a terminal and go to Edit > Profile Preferences > Colors tab.

enter image description here


2) Change your background color: Follow instructions from (1).


3) Stop ls from printing in different colors: Go into your ~/.bashrc file and locate the line that says alias ls='ls --color=auto'. Comment it out by typing # in front of it.

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