Ubuntu – Logitech C310 audio problems


I just installed a Logitech C310 webcam, on my onieric system, and I have a problem with it's audio. When recording sound from the webcam's source, the resuult is played very fast, in a very high pitch. I believe it has something to do with pulseaudio, since when I tried recording directly from alsa (by using audacity), the result was fine.

EDIT: I checked it further, and the problem occurs only after I switch between different users.

EDIT: I've also found a similar bug reported on Fedora.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and I found the the solution here

Open Terminal and use the next:

gedit $HOME/.pulse/daemon.conf

and put the following line on the file:

default-sample-rate = 16000

save it, and then restart pulseaudio as a user with the following command

pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start

Do this for every user.

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