hard-drive – High Load Average After Adding Second Drive

hard driveoptical;satassd

My laptop was working fine and its load average was between 0.2 – 0.5 (and around 0.02 while doing nothing) until I decide to upgrade it with an SSD.

First I replaced my HDD with SSD, moving HDD into a HDD Caddy, removing the optical drive and putting HDD there instead.

  • Both my SSD and HDD are capable of working with SATA III interfaces.
  • However my HDD is working at SATA 2 mode:

    sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | grep SATA
    SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
  • Seems my optical drive interface is SATA 2.


The problem is whenever there is something in HDD Caddy (SSD, HDD, Doesn't matter) load average while doing nothing is around 1.5 – 2 and while system is just booted up is around 4.

What did I done?

  • I have tried any combination of setup nothing takes any effects.

What else?

  • CPU usage is normal and no process is consuming the CPU.
  • If I only use one disk as the main hard drive load average is normal.
  • If I even use one disk at the optical drive place, I get high load average.

Best Answer

This could be related to the HDD caddy you use.

Please see if it has a button or a switch, in order to change the state of the caddy.


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