LibreOffice Unity – Fix LibreOffice Integration Issues with Unity


I have started noticing this problem a while back. Opening spreadsheets directly from Nautilus sometimes has different behaviors in Unity. This means that sometimes I see the icon pop in the launcher like in the image below:

icon shows up ok

Other times I have the default LibreOffice icon, even though I have a spreadsheet (LibreOffice Calc) open:

default Icon for spreadsheet

And finally the worst case is when I don't get any icon at all even though I have the spreadsheet open:

enter image description here

In this final case I don't even have the close/minimize/maximize window in the top left corner. I can only close it with ALT+F4.

Any idea why Unity would behave like this?

I don't see a special pattern for this occurrences. Happens apparently random for both .ods and .xls files.

Best Answer

I had the same issue. After I installed the lo-menubar (see synaptic) i haven't seen this issue (to be sure I will need to test longer). I'm wondering if you have the same experience.

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