Ubuntu – Libre office font spacing (kerning) issue


On every operating system whenever I install LibreOffice it always seems to have an issue with properly spacing characters.

Here are some examples:
Ugly kerning

The first word is the exact same word in the same document and the same font, and yet, it looks different. (around letter e and n)

Second word has a strange gap between p and a

In the last word A and d almost overlap.

All of these are regular fonts. Nothing fancy. Any way to fix this?

P.S. Format>Character>Postition>Pair Kerning is already enabled.

Best Answer

The weird letter spacing is due to bugs which have been resolved in LibreOffice 5.3.

At the time of writing, version 5.3.0 is available through a PPA, type the following into a terminal to ensure the latest version is installed:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice