Kubuntu Suspend – How to Fix Broken Laptop Suspend and Roll Back Changes


Question: What package contains the subprogram responsible for the KMenu option "sleep"?

Background: I've been running KUbuntu 10.04.1 and I am completely updated. Recently (within the past month), the "sleep" menu item has stopped working. It just sits there waiting like I clicked nothing. I've check all of the logs in /var/log and nothing is added when I click sleep.

I'm guessing that something I updated has bollux'ed things up, but I don't know which package contains the component that I need to roll back. In the meantime, I've installed uswsusp, but s2ram & s2both don't ask my password when the laptop resumes — which really bothers me. So now that I've got a little time to track this down, I had to post — any ideas??

Update: I've messed around with the versions of acpi for quite some time. It appears to be working. If I run sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh it works and the computer suspends. As above, it does not lock the screen first, but at least the damn thing suspends. Oddly, sudo /etc/acpi/sleepbtn.sh does not work.

Best Answer

I do not know yet how to solve this problem; however, to manually suspend and lock the screen in KUbuntu (and perhaps Ubuntu?) I've aliased a command which I'm sure others can use -- so I want to post it here. I'm also going to reclaim the bounty and keep offering it until someone answers...

If you do:

sudo qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver Lock; sudo pm-suspend

This will first lock the screen and then issue a suspend command. Although sudo isn't needed for the first command, you'll want to enter the password before the screen locks because you'll have to unlock it to gain sudo ability to suspend if you don't.