Boot Issues – Laptop Boots Like Lubuntu After Installing LXDE and Lubuntu Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


I typed the command

sudo apt unistall lxde

and all commands which are suggested in How to remove lubuntu-desktop from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS but still when I log out it shows entire Lubuntu desktop. I know that it is not uninstalled. Every time I try to remove it, it says

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package 'lxde' is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Same happens with Lubuntu desktop.
Now also whenever I reboot my laptop it shows me Lubuntu logo. Trust me know I had installed Ubuntu 16.04.LTS but seems like it is an Lubuntu OS. I tried to autoremove too. I also installed gnome3 but typing apt remove gnome completely removed it. However, LXDE and Lubuntu desktop are not going away.

apt remove lxde screenshot

I did not wish to remove LXDE but every time when I reboot it boots like Lubuntu. I can not take screenshot of that thought. please I had tried almost all questions on askubuntu but none of them solved my problem. Also can you tell me where are these desktop environment files resides? And why it boots like Lubuntu? Every time I had to set it on unity manually
and it takes lot of time.

Best Answer

sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-greeter usually gives results. However, if that fails, try

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

else using lightdm.conf,

gksudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

In [SeatDefaults], change the settings to read like this -


The last option is quite dangerous and I recommend that you don't use it unless you're absolutely confident that you can pull it off

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