Krusader – Krusader Window Too Wide – Can’t Be Changed


Krusader seems like a great program (very similar to Total Commander in Windows). But it opens up a window which is wider/broader than the screen, and it seems impossible to shrink it. That is VERY unpractical.
But I CAN change the height of the window. Neither is it possible to move the vertical line dividing the 2 panels. So what is wrong.

Best Answer

While opened Krusader you can try keyboard combinations for window manipulation:

  • Alt+F8 (for window resize);
  • Alt+F10 (to maximize/unmaximize its window).

Or move Krusader's configuration file with

mv ~/.kde/share/config/krusaderrc ~/krusaderrc_old

and then relaunch Krusader. It should reset to default settings.

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