Ubuntu – kind of Ubuntu Wiki sitemap or contents index


I feel the Ubuntu Wiki contains treasures, but I as much feel unable to exploit its contents as much as I would like. What I miss, is a kind of contents index, may be by categories, but a classical sitemap would be largely fine too. Unfortunately, if I try to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sitemap.xml (posting a raw URL on purpose), I get that message:

This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.

And it only contains links to templates intended to the creation of new wiki‑pages.

I don't know it something like what I'm looking for exist (did I missed it?). A search on major search‑engines gave nothing, nor on AskUbuntu (seems the question was never ask, or else it is a stupid question and I'm wrong).

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