Ubuntu – Keyboard shortcuts don’t work in gnome shell


After upgrading to 12.04 the keyboard shortcut of the windows manager (Metacity) such as my custom Alt+1, Alt+2 for desktop switching but also the default Alt+F10 for maximizing window stopped working in Gnome shell. Anyone knows what might be the cause and/or remedy?

Best Answer

Gnome-Shell uses not Metacity Window Manager, but new Window Manager - Mutter, which uses new configuration system - dconf, while old GNOME and Ubuntu Unity interface uses old configuration system - gconf. Because of this "System Settings" -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts doesn't work on Ubuntu with GNOME3 shell :(

One Workaround

Install dconf-tools Install dconf-tools

Run dconf-editor

Look in org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings or org.gnome.mutter.keybindings

See Ubuntu bug #965921 for more info and workarounds.

Some useful info also can be found here: blog.sudobits.com/2011/10/12/top-10-gnome-shell-keyboard-shortcuts/

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