Ubuntu – Keyboard shortcut for switch to workspace 11 doesn’t work


I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm trying to setup a few keyboard shortcuts for switching to specific workspaces, but the one for switching to #11 doesn't work.

The problem seems to be exclusive to workspace #11. For example I can set the shortcut for Switch to workspace 9 to Alt + 1 and it works fine, but when I set Switch to workspace 11 to Alt + 1, Ubuntu acts as if there wasn't a shortcut at all (eg. it activates Firefox's Alt + 1 shortcut of switching to the first tab)

Is there something I can do to correct this behavior, or is this a bug in Ubuntu?

Best Answer

I have no idea why this doesn't work, but I ran into the same problem myself and I have a workaround.

First, you need to find a command which lets you switch to workspace 11 (and in my case, also workspace 12)

Take a look at this answer to know how to do that.

For instance, on my system the command to switch to workspace 11 was wmctrl -o 3840,2160. This is resolution dependent, so I'd suggest looking at the original answer to find the command that reliably works for you.

Once you have the command, go to

System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts

And add these commands as custom shortcuts. Now assign any key to them and it should work.

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