Ubuntu – Keyboard Layout Table – how to force update


After creating a custom keyboard layout, a table picturing the layout in a nice graphical representation was automatically created.
It can be accessed from the keyboard icon.
It opens in a separate window, cf. below:

enter image description here

However, this table isn't updated after making changes to an already existing layout (even not after rebooting).
This is annoying, since now the picture doesn't correspond to the actual keyboard layout, but rather to the original one, before making any changes. It is just never updated after a keyboard layout is created with a new name.

Removing the keyboard layout from /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ and creating it again doesn't help; the table seems to be cached somewhere.

I have no idea where this picture (or whatever it be) is saved, I don't even know what program creates it (it doesn't look too much like the ps-files created by xkbprint). Maybe deleting the table (not the keyboard layout) would do the job, but since I don't know where it is, I couldn't try.

I'd appreciate any hint on how I can force this table to be updated, so to fit my modified keyboard layout.

(I'm using Precise with Unity.)

Best Answer

A cache of (compiled) keyboard layouts is kept in the /var/lib/xkb/ directory, in the various *.xkm files. Perhaps deleting these files may help? There is a README in that directory giving a bit more information.

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