Ubuntu – Kernel Panic at boot please help


Can you please guide me through the necessary steps. After false installation of flgrx for graphic I got this error at boot screen
"target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init"
followed by kernel panic –not syncing.

I used boot-repair but was not able to boot. Problem perisist. Can you please look at my boot info http://paste.ubuntu.com/13742940/.
When i choose an option "purge kernels and then re-install last kernel" Boot-repair stuck. I have tried every possible solution but no luck :(.

I am using ubuntu 14.04.

Best Answer

It is not recommended to upgrade your Kernel. Please Read Here You can update the kernel with the update manager safely.

*Click on System > Administration > Update Manager > Click on Check button > Apply all updates including kernel.

If you wish to proceed with upgrades outside these steps I would recommend making a backup of your system Here

Run the following Terminal commands to install a new 32-bit Ubuntu kernel from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-bs4

cd /tmp

rm -rf medigeek-kmp*

wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/medigeek/kmp-downloader/tarball/master -O kmpd.tar.gz

tar xzf kmpd.tar.gz

cd medigeek-*

python kmpd.py -d

You can roll back by selecting the previous (old) kernel at the boot menu and then un-install the (new) not working kernel.

With Synaptic you can un-install previously installed kernel packages.

For More information visit Kernel/Upgrade or Here

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