Ubuntu – Katoolin: command not found


I have followed the instruction to Install Katoolin, but this happens:

# sudo katoolin
sudo: katoolin: command not found

I have searched hard on the net with no joy. What am I doing wrong? I have a Macbook Pro Early 2011 i7 processor.

Best Answer

Judging from the comments to the question, you placed the katoolin executable not directly into /usr/bin, but in a subdirectory of it.

When you enter a command, the system searches in a number of directories for a matching executable file. If you for example type foo, the system looks for /bin/foo, /sbin/foo, /usr/bin/foo and so on. The first such file that is found gets executed. Which directories get searched is defined in the environment variable PATH.

But the system does not search in sub directories of the directories listed in PATH. Therefore, if you put the katoolin executable to, say, /usr/bin/katoolin/katoolin instead of /usr/bin/katoolin, it won't be found.

Additionally, the executable must have the correct permissions ( sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin ) and the correct name. If you type katoolin, for example /usr/bin/katoolin.py won't be found either.