Ubuntu – Istat menu 3 of Mac equivalent


With Mac, I have istat that shows computer info (memory/cpu/network …) in real time.

Does Ubuntu have a similar application?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can get what you want with gkrellm Install gkrellm -- it works out of the box, but you will probably want to tinker a bit to get the look and the info you're after.

You can install the basic application from the Software Center or via the command line, with apt-get install gkrellm , but there are numerous plugins and themes available.

You can see the easily installed plugins with apt-cache search gkrellm . Here's an extract:

gkrellm-bfm - system load plugin for gkrellm with a duck
gkrellm-hdplop - A hard drive activity monitor GKrellM plugin
gkrellm-ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
gkrellm-leds - Keyboard LED monitor for GKrellM
gkrellm-mailwatch - GKrellM plugin to watch mailboxes in multiple panels
gkrellm-mldonkey - mldonkey plugin for gkrellm2
gkrellm-radio - FM radio tuner for GKrellM

And here's a themes directory (the last time I installed it, this is the site I used to find a theme I liked): muhri.net/gkrellm

Another option is conkyInstall conky

It is also installable from the Software center or via apt-get. It is extremely configurable, and if you search, you'll find many screenshots of customized conky installations. (Here's one from conky pitstop .)