Ubuntu – Why isn’t Ubuntu moving its repositories to old-releases anymore


Since 17.10 Ubuntu has its archives still in Ubuntu Archives instead of old-releases. Is there any reason for this?

Best Answer

17.04 (Zesty) and 17.10 (Artful) have been migrated from archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.

16.04 (Xenial), 18.04 (Bionic), 19.10 (Eoan), 20.04 (Focal), and 20.10 (Groovy, currently in development) are on archive, but that’s normal, since they’re still supported or not yet released.

14.04 (Trusty) reached “end of standard support” in April 2019, but it benefits from extended security maintenance until April 2022, and will only be migrated then at the earliest; there’s no set calendar for such migrations, the only guarantee is that it happens after EOL, which for LTS releases is at the end of extended security maintenance.

See also When will Trusty be available in old-releases?