Ubuntu – Is this apt vulnerability (CVE-2019-3462) a security concern for Ubuntu users


I am new to Ubuntu server. I found this post about a vulnerability in Debian's APT. Do you think this issue has been resolved?

  1. A vulnerability in Debian’s apt allows for easy lateral movement in data centers

    On January 22nd, Max Justicz published a write up detailing a vulnerability in the apt client. Using Man in the Middle techniques, an attacker can intercept the apt communication while it downloads a software package, replace the requested package content with their own binary, and execute it with root privileges.

  2. Remote Code Execution in apt/apt-get – Max Justicz

    I found a vulnerability in apt that allows a network man-in-the-middle (or a malicious package mirror) to execute arbitrary code as root on a machine installing any package. The bug has been fixed in the latest versions of apt. If you’re worried about being exploited during the update process, you can protect yourself by disabling HTTP redirects while you update.

Best Answer

I opened a link you provided to grab the CVE number, then looked using a search engine for details


> Ubuntu 12.04 ESM (Precise Pangolin):    released
> (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.28)
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr): released
> (1.0.1ubuntu2.19) Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus):  released
> (1.2.29ubuntu0.1) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver): released
> (1.6.6ubuntu0.1) Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish):  released
> (1.7.0ubuntu0.1) Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo):    released (1.8.0~alpha3.1)

As long as you have the packages listed as containing the fix you'll be fine. For more details, check Ubuntu security notes.