Ubuntu – Is there to be a New release ‘18.10’ available for 32-bit


I have a 32-bit machine running 18.04, and it keeps saying

New release '18.10' available.

Nut when I run the release upgrade it says half way through the procedure that 32-bit version is not available yet.

Is there to be a date for 32-bit 18.10 to be available?

Best Answer

No. There never will be another Ubuntu that is 32-bit.

You will need to switch to an alternative. Some of the official flavors intend to keep 32-bit in their arsenal. But I would assume they will stick to LTS for 32-bit.

3 examples:

  • Budgie. 18.04 is 64 and 32. 19.04 is 64 only. No 18.10 download.
  • Xubuntu 18.04 is 64 and 32. 19.04 is 64 only. No 18.10 download.
  • Lubuntu has a 32 for 18.10 listed on their main site.


More on this:

Canonical Considering To Drop 32 Bit Support In Ubuntu

Yesterday, developer Dimitri John Ledkov wrote a message on the Ubuntu Mailing list calling for the end of i386 support by Ubuntu 18.10. Ledkov argues that more software is being developed with 64-bit support. He is also concerned that it will be difficult to provide security support for the aging i386 architecture.

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