Software Recommendation Text Editor Markdown – Text Editors Supporting Markdown (Ask Ubuntu’s Formatting Style)


Is there any text editor with support for Markdown (formatting syntax used by Ask Ubuntu) which can be used to write questions or answers while you are offline?

Best Answer

Try Retext which supports markdown. Retext has been in Ubuntu since 12.04 precise. For earlier Ubuntu releases, or if you want a more recent version of Retext, get it from the project home page or from a PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mitya57/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install retext

This will install Retext.

If you want a gedit plugin with markdown support:

  1. Download this and extract the file in ~/Download directory.

  2. Open a terminal, cd to the ~/Downloads/gedit-markdown-master directory and run ./ install.

  3. Restart Gedit and you have a markdown plugin, enable it and enjoy ! .

Note: You can anytime preview markdown by entering Ctrl+Alt+M.