Ubuntu – ny problem with a full installation on a USB drive


I'm planning on installing Ubuntu 16.04.6 Desktop (32-bit) on a USB drive, like so, along with a FAT32 partition. (Full installation, not live CD.)

Are there any problems with this? For example:

  • Will it work in most systems (including 64-bit)?
  • Will the installation contain only the drivers needed for the computer used for the installation?

Note: I am not asking how to do it. I'm asking if there are any problems and whether I should do this.

Best Answer

Will it work in most systems (including 64-bit)?


Will the installation contain only the drivers needed for the computer used for the installation?

Ubuntu doesn't install specific drivers for each machine, it' has a full stack of drivers.

You can, and should, during the installation, mark the box "Installing propietary drivers"

I have install Lubuntu 16 and so far it works, on every machine I could try.

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