Ubuntu – Is there any command line equivalent for “Edit Connection” GUI

command linemacnetworkingwireless

I found that there are at least three methods to assign a spoofed MAC address to my network connection:
Method (1): Assign a MAC address to a connection using "Edit connection" GUI in WiFi (or Ethernet) tab inside "Cloned MAC address" edit box.

and Method (2): Assign a MAC address to wlan0 using ifconfig command:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether  xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

Method (3): Using macchanger package.

Now, my question is: "is there any command line equivalent for method (1)"?

Best Answer

Since the first method is using Network Manager, and the Network Manager command-line interface (nmcli) doesn't support it, no.

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