Ubuntu – web based terminal/ssh client

command linesoftware-recommendation

I'm at a library, and all of the computers are Windows based. I'm sshing into my Ubuntu box somewhere else. The terms of service says "You may not make any changes to system files." However, when I ssh into my Ubuntu box, it might "look" like I'm hacking, since I've had a few people (including I presume the library supervisor) look at my computer funny when I opened a website where the text was a monospaced font and the website background was black. Running Command Prompt will certainly be considered to be hacking if looking at a website was.

If I'm sshing into my box it appears as though I'm "hacking" into the computer. I'd like to somehow do it in a web browser with nice happy looking text, so that it actually represents what I'm doing; I'm not going to hack into the computer, I'm only using a computer somewhere else.

Best Answer

If the Library is using Firefox and has the ability to install add-ons, try FireSSH - its a javascript based SSH client.

enter image description here