Notification – How to View Notification History


If I walk away from my PC, then there is a good chance I might miss certain notifications. I've seen in KDE that notifications get stored and stacked until you click them (or whatever).

Unless I'm missing something, Ubuntu doesn't seem to have a history of clickable notifications.

Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

Take Recent Notifications.

screenshot recent notifications

In a terminal run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jconti/recent-notifications
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-notifications

Alternatively you could download the package directly on the launchpad-site. For Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric on an i386-machine choose indicator-notifications_0.1.4-2~ppa~oneiric_i386.deb. (Don't install recent-notifications)

After installing run Alt+F2 unity --replace.

You will find a little mailbox in the panel:

recent notifications in panel

It is possible to align the icon to your desktop theme, i. e. when you use Faenza:

mkdir ~/.icons/Faenza/status/scalable
cp /usr/share/icons/Faenza/status/scalable/user-available-symbolic.svg ~/.icons/Faenza/status/scalable/indicator-notification-unread.svg
cp /usr/share/icons/Faenza/status/scalable/user-away-symbolic.svg ~/.icons/Faenza/status/scalable/indicator-notification-read.svg

new Faenza icons

To stop it you need to unistall it:

sudo apt-get purge indicator-notifications

Then again run Alt+F2 unity --replace.

To remove the ppa run:

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:jconti/recent-notifications