Ubuntu – Is there a way to search document contents using a Unity Lens in 14.04 Trusty


In trusty 14.04, the out-of-the-box install gives you a Unity file and folder search which provides relevance-based search for recently used files (through Zeitgeist) augmented with entire filesystem search (through mlocate).

However, as far as I can tell, there is no full-text search available for all documents on the filesystem. The existing Unity search lens does not do full-text search of document contents; rather, only the document names themselves. There was a lens called "recoll-lens" which leveraged Recoll to do a full text search which was packaged up through 12.04 Precise (as other answers mentioned back in 2011, here, here), but there is no official backport of recoll-lens packaged for 14.04.

Does anyone know of a repository which contains recoll-lens for 14.04, or if there are any other full-text search Unity lenses which work for 14.04?

(While I realize that 14.04 is not the last stable point release, it is the last stable LTS release as of the moment that I'm asking this question (10/2015), and the Ubuntu installs that I manage are on a LTS-only policy for stability).

Best Answer

OK, so after more sleuthing, I've found that the recoll-lens package was renamed to unity-scope-recoll.

So, by running:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:recoll-backports/recoll-1.15-on
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install recoll unity-scope-recoll

As an aside: I like to have my file content search results kept up to date with changes immediately(with an SSD drive this isn't a big performance issue), so I configured recoll to index immediately and to start up the indexer when I log in:

Recoll real time indexing screenshot