Ubuntu – Why is the desktop the same as home folder


My desktop (not the /home/user/Desktop folder) shows the contents of my /home/user folder. I don't know how I have done it and can I have some help on undoing it? The /home/user/Desktop folder just contains my desktop files which do not appear on my desktop.

Best Answer

You can change you desktop folder i.e the folder you want to use as your Desktop.

  • Open the ~/.config folder. (Press Ctrl+h to show hidden folders.)

    enter image description here

  • Open the user-dirs.dirs file in gedit.

enter image description here

  • Change XDG_DESKTOP_DIR to the folder you want to show as your Desktop folder. In your case it is XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=$HOME/Desktop

    enter image description here

  • Now restart nautilus using nautilus -q or killall nautilus and again opening it from Dash.
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