Synapse – Availability of Synapse Application Launcher


I really like that synapse application launcher, but there seems to be no way of installing it in ubuntu 14.04. Any ideas why? Or does anyone know how I could get it?

Best Answer

A bug has been filed on launchpad about that.

It seems, though, that the program's testing PPA now supports 14.04: Synapse Bleeding edge


To install from the PPA above, do the following in a terminal - [Ctrl+Alt+t]

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:synapse-core/testing

(press Enter-key when prompted to continue)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install synapse

Synapse should now be installed.

NOTE: It is not recommended that you use a bleeding edge version of a software application as they may (and often do) contain game breaking bugs. My advice is that you keep checking Ubuntu's software repository and revert to a stable version as soon as one is made available.

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