Ubuntu – Is it safe to resize root partition


My HDD is partitioned into two equal sized partitions. First is being used for Windows and Second for Ubuntu. Everything is working fine. But now I want to remove Windows and use the disk completely for Ubuntu. I can easily boot from live cd and use GParted to delete Windows partition and then expand Ubuntu partition to use the whole hard disk.

  1. I want to know if its safe
  2. Will resizing Ubuntu partition change any thing else like the partition UUID or any thing else?
  3. Do I need to reinstall grub after resizing the root partition?

It would be great if some one who has already done this can give their advice here.

Best Answer

I want to know if its safe

Generally, operations can fail. If operations on partitions fail, it can cause data loss, so be prepared and do backups first.

Will resizing Ubuntu partition change [...] the partition UUID


Do I need to reinstall grub after resizing the root partition?


It doesn't even matter if you've installed GRUB2 into the MBR (e.g., /dev/sda, default when installing Ubuntu), or into the root partition (e.g., /dev/sda1).