Xfce Shortcut Keys – Place Windows with Keyboard Shortcuts


With Compiz in Unity, I could press Ctrl+Alt+6 to place a window on the right-half of the screen, Ctrl+Alt+4 to place it on the left half, Ctrl+Alt+7 to place it in the top left quarter of the screen, and so on.

Is there something similar in Xfce on Xubuntu?

Best Answer

i prefer using Alt+d to move the window into the left half of the screen and Shift+Alt+d the right half.

  • store this script as /usr/local/sbin/window-left and /usr/local/sbin/window-right
  • in your Settings Manager you can add a new entry in xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts: /commands/custom/<Alt>d, String and /usr/local/sbin/window-left
  • in your Settings Manager you can add a new entry in xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts: /commands/custom/<Shift><Alt>d, String and /usr/local/sbin/window-right

new entry for shortcut to move window into left half of the screen

(You can choose the best shortcut Keys, that fit for you using <Alt>, <Shift>, <Control> and <Super>)