Ubuntu – Is it possible to maximize windows vertically in Gnome 3 by double click on the top border


I would like to maximize windows vertically by double clicking on the horizontal boarder like in Windows. Is there a way to get this behavior in Gnome Shell?

Thanks in Advance

Edit: I forgot to mention that I mean double click.

Like in this Video

Best Answer

TL;DR There is no way to use the border of a window. You can only use the title bar. Open a terminal an use this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-double-click-titlebar toggle-maximize-vertically

Check the settings with:

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-double-click-titlebar

Or you can try the other options:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences action-double-click-titlebar OPTION

OPTION – Current valid options are 'toggle-shade', which will shade/unshade the window, 'toggle-maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, 'toggle-maximize-horizontally' and 'toggle-maximize-vertically' which will 'minimize' which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, 'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything.

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