18.04 Encryption – How to Install Truecrypt on Ubuntu 18.04


I have several desktops running 16.04LTS. I have been anticipating upgrading them to 18.04LTS. I recently installed 18.04 on a crash dummy machine for testing and it mostly is working quite well. I downloaded the standard amd iso and installed Ubuntu without disk encryption (or LVM). This machine happens to have an AMD processor. All of my other machines use Intel CPUs.

I have quite a few folders that have been encrypted using Truecrypt. 7.1-14 I believe. The old version in any case.

I see that Truecrypt doesn't seem to be included in the standard distro so I installed it manually. However, it will not decrypt any of my existing encrypted folders. As a test, I created a container and then tried to mount it and that also failed. I won't bother with the various messages I got but suffice to say that Truecrypt is not working on my 18.04 LTS install.

I've read quite a few threads regarding this new distro and I'm wondering if it is a requirement to select full disk encryption when building the OS in order to have TC support. And either way, is there a method to install TC as a stand alone encryption tool?

Best Answer

To fix your TrueCrypt installation, close all of TC running instances and install the following packages:

sudo apt install bzr libncurses5-dev gcc debhelper devscripts dpatch

Run TC again and you'll see everything works.

TrueCrypt works perfectly in my Ubuntu 18.04 on AMD CPU.

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