Ubuntu – Is Gnome keyring safe


I've always read keyring like Gnome-keyring is safe way to save credentials. I don't understand it. If I open my Gnome-keyring in my Ubuntu Desktop, I can right click any entry and click show password and it will show the password :O. My point is if I can do it anyone who can access my computer can do it. I can't keep my computer attended every second and sometimes I can forget to lock the computer.

I've set option to unlock keyring automatically at login. Without that I've to type keyring password every time the keyring has to be accessed. So its either type the keyring password or type the asked password. Now if I really have to type I'd prefer to eliminate the middle man and type the asked password.

So my question is, am I thinking/taking/doing this keyring thing in wrong way? Or is it the way it is? If its the way it is, how is it safe?

Best Answer

There is no special trick here; you are just responsible for keeping your desktop session locked when you are not sitting in front of your computer. Otherwise people walking by could do anything to your computer, even if you are not using a keyring of any kind, including installing a secret password-sniffing program!

Get in the habit of locking your screen whenever you get up for any reason. Do it even when you are sure you are alone so it becomes rote. This is quicker if you configure a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl+Alt+L for it (launch Keyboard --> Shortcuts --> System --> Lock screen). It would be nice if the Power control panel allowed you to lock the screen when a laptop lid is closed, but this does not seem to be an option.

And in case you forget, configure the screen to lock after a few minutes of inactivity (rather than going into a screensaver): Screen > Lock.