Ubuntu – Is chroot the proper way to use packages from previous releases

chrootpackage-managementsoftware installation

Suppose I want to use some GUI programs that were provided in an old release of Ubuntu. I am currently using a later version of Ubuntu that does not provide these GUI programs. Is there a reliable way install these old programs without messing up my existing packages, and without having to use virtualization (e.g. VirtualBox)?

I have read this question: How do I install Qtstalker on Ubuntu 17.10?, which is about installing Qtstalker, a program that was available in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, but which has been removed from later Ubuntu releases because the upstream has ceased development. The answer there uses chroot. I am wondering: is the method generally applicable to other programs too? Is chroot the proper and usual solution to the problem?

Suppose I want to play XBattle, which was available in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, but was subsequently removed. Should I use chroot to play it in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver?

I read https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/chroots.html, but the page seems to imply that chroot is a packaging tool rather than something that one would use for running programs regularly.

Other answers suggesting a chroot solution to such problems: The packages for old releases are not available anymore?

Best Answer

If you have software that requires use of an EOL (end of life) operating system, you should do your best to isolate it away from your primary system and quarantine it from the internet.

The best way to do this is to set up a virtual machine using VM software like VirtualBox. Make sure that you disable the network adapter for the container.