Ubuntu – Integrated webcam issues lenovo t430u ubuntu 12.10


I am fairly new user to Ubuntu. I have a fresh install of 64 bit Ubuntu 12.10 with the gnome remix. The laptop is Lenovo thinkpad T430u. The issue is my integrated laptop webcam is not working with Skype and Cheese.



 Bus 003 Device 002: ID 04f2:b327 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd    

as the webcam identifies.

With guvcview the camera works (poor choppy video quality). I installed skype from the Skype webpage and used the mixed architecture 12.04 download. I hope some one can provide a solution! Will be glad to give more info if needed! I know there are a lot of similar questions on askubuntu but in my case the webcam seems to be identified and works with one software. Moreover I had a previous 12.04 installation of ubuntu where skype video worked like a charm on the very same machine!

Best Answer

Edit: It looks like this has been fixed with the latest kernels for 12.10 (3.5.0-26-generic) and 12.04 (3.2.0-39-generic).


It seems that the latest kernel broke webcams for some laptops. Try this:

  1. Run this command in a terminal to see which kernel you're currently using, and make a note of it:
    uname -r
  2. It seems that the last known working kernel for Ubuntu 12.10 was 3.5.0-23. Make sure it's installed by running this command in a terminal:
    sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.5.0-23-generic

    For Ubuntu 12.04, install this kernel:
    sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-37-generic

  3. Reboot your machine, and at the GRUB boot menu, go to Previous Linux versions --> Ubuntu, with Linux 3.5.0-23-generic (choose Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-37-generic for Ubuntu 12.04)

If these instructions work for you, go to this bug report, log in, and near the top where it says Does this bug affect you? click it and select Yes:


It would probably also be good to add a comment with:

  • Your specific laptop model
  • The version of Ubuntu you're running
  • The version(s) of the kernel where the webcam doesn't work
  • The version(s) of the kernel where the webcam works

Hopefully if enough people report this bug it should get fixed soon.

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