Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu from USB on ASUS E200HA


I am trying to install Ubuntu from an USB-Stick on a new ASUS E200HA:


For that purpose, I used a bootable USB-Stick that I used already a few weeks ago to install Ubuntu on a laptop. Thus, the stick works fine for sure. When I press esc during the booting process, I get a menu to choose to boot the Microsoft Boot menu, the USB-Stick or the BIOS Setup. If I choose the USB-Stick, still Windows is loaded and not Ubuntu from the stick.

On the web, people using similar machines (but not identical ones) write, that one has to disable secure boot and fast boot. Further it is said to enable Launch CSM.

Asus X202e VivoBook, dual boot. How to get around UEFI and have Win8 & Ubuntu?


I disabled the first two, but there is no option to enable the third in my BIOS. I guess this is the case, because I have a different laptop. Still, whatever I choose for booting, Windows is loaded.

Does anyone has successfully installed Ubuntu on a ASUS E200HA and solved this issue? If not, maybe there are suggestions? Thanks.

Best Answer

The ASUS E200HA has a UEFI-BIOS and not a traditional BIOS. As is described here


only 64-bit versions of Ubuntu can boot from a stick with an UEFI-BIOS. As it happens, I tried only 32-bit versions. Now it works.

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