Ubuntu – Installing TeXLive from ISO

software installationtexlive

I have downloaded texlive2017-20170524.iso from http://muug.ca/mirror/ctan/systems/texlive/Images/.

and tried to mount it with both "Open with archive mounter" (by right-clicking on it) and also "Open with –> Disk image mounter"

They are both successful in mounting.

When I cd to the mounted location and run ./install-tl (also tried ./install-tl), it gives me this error:

TeXLive/TLUtils.pm did not return a true value at ./install-tl line 54.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./install-tl line 54.

Here are the first 60 lines of install-tl

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id: install-tl 44407 2017-05-18 21:25:39Z karl $
# Copyright 2007-2017
# Reinhard Kotucha, Norbert Preining, Karl Berry, Siep Kroonenberg.
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
# or any later version.
# Be careful when changing wording: *every* normal informational message
# output here must be recognized by the long grep in tl-update-tlnet.
# - with -gui pop up a transient window showing:
#      testing for compressed archive packages ...
#      testing for uncompressed live system ...
#      testing for network access ...
#      loading tlpdb, this can take some time ...
#   (that, and maybe some others can be done with the waitVariableX
#   thingy as described in the Perl/Tk book in the chapter that can be
#   found on the net)   (Werner 28.10.08)

my $svnrev = '$Revision: 44407 $';
$svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /;
$::installerrevision = ($1 ? $1 : 'unknown');

# taken from 00texlive.config: release, $tlpdb->config_release;
our $texlive_release;

  $^W = 1;
  my $Master;
  my $me = $0;
  $me =~ s!\\!/!g if $^O =~ /^MSWin/i;
  if ($me =~ m!/!) {
    ($Master = $me) =~ s!(.*)/[^/]*$!$1!;
  } else {
    $Master = ".";
  $::installerdir = $Master;

  # All platforms: add the installer modules
  unshift (@INC, "$::installerdir/tlpkg");

use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev);
use Pod::Usage;
use POSIX ();

use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(platform platform_desc sort_archs
   which getenv win32 unix info log debug tlwarn ddebug tldie
   member process_logging_options rmtree wsystem
   mkdirhier make_var_skeleton make_local_skeleton install_package copy
   install_packages dirname setup_programs native_slashify forward_slashify);
use TeXLive::TLPOBJ;
use TeXLive::TLPDB;
use TeXLive::TLConfig;
use TeXLive::TLCrypto;
use TeXLive::TLDownload;
use TeXLive::TLPaper;

I have also tried copying the contents to my hard-drive (so it is no longer in ISO format), as I have had problems before running applications directly from an ISO. It still gives me the above error.

Question: How can I install TeXLive to my system using texlive2017-20170524.iso?
(I'd much rather use an offline installer rather than sudo apt-get install texlive)

Here is what I see on the terminal:

Me@Computer:~/Desktop$ cd ~/Desktop
Me@Computer:~/Desktop$ mkdir mountpoint
Me@Computer:~/Desktop$ sudo mount -o loop texlive2017-20170524.iso mountpoint
[sudo] password for Me: 
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Me@Computer:~/Desktop$ cd mountpoint/
Me@Computer:~/Desktop/mountpoint$ ./install-tl
TeXLive/TLUtils.pm did not return a true value at ./install-tl line 54.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./install-tl line 54.

Best Answer

I believe the question is an X Y problem: your ultimate goal is to install texlive offline, and doing it from ISO instead of other alternatives is not a requirement.

If that's the case, then you could consider getting the deb files of texlive and its dependencies, instead of the ISO. This should simplify the installation and eliminate your issues in the question.

You can get a list of the URLs and MD5 sums of texlive and its dependencies by running this command on your system:

apt-get --print-uris --yes install texlive | grep "^'" | sed -e "s/'//g" | awk '{ print $1, $4 }' > packages.info

This will generate a file packages.info with the URLs to download and their MD5 sums. It's best if your friend also verifies the MD5 sums after downloading.

Once you have the deb files, you can install them with dpkg -i *.deb and should be good to go.

That being said, as @fkraiem pointed out in a comment, using the deb instead of the ISO has some drawbacks:

In the case of TeXLive, I think using the official installer is always better than using .debs (indeed, it's what I use myself), mostly because it allows finer management of CTAN packages and better community support (if you ask a question, e.g., on Tex.SE, it will be assumed that you used the official installer, so the solution might not work if you used the .debs)

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