Ubuntu – Installing package from 3d-party repository

package-managementpparepositorysoftware installation

I need to install package from a non-ppa repository. So, the usual sudo apt-add-repository... & apt-get update isn't woring.

Of course, I can manually download all necessary packages from here, but I will have to install these packages and resolve dependencies manually. So, this isn't solving of my problem.

How can I install this 3d-party application?

It is interesting, that the structure of this repository repeats the structure of archievev.ubuntu.com repositories.

Best Answer

The manpage of add-apt-repository says:

   REPOSITORY can  be  either  a  line  that  can  be  added  directly  to
   sources.list(5),  in the form ppa:<user>/<ppa-name> for adding Personal
   Package Archives, or a distribution component to enable.

   In  the   first   form,   REPOSITORY   will   just   be   appended   to

So, we need to use the full source line:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://repos.lpm.org.ru/kumir2/ubuntu trusty universe"