Ubuntu – Installing NVIDIA GEFORCE 750M drivers


Is there any way to install NVIDIA GEFORCE 750M drivers for Ubuntu?

Right now Intel Haswell Mobile is used for graphics. Is this ok? Can I get better performance by installing NVIDIA drivers?

I remember that last time when I installed something related to that, my Unity was broken. After uninstalling them Unity worked again.

Best Answer

I fixed the problem by installing the tested NVIDIA drivers for Ubuntu:

I can see the following details:

So, GeForce GT 750M /PCIe/SSE2 driver is installed.

BTW, I switched again on the open source driver. NVIDIA drivers had important issues (overheating and sometimes the entire screen was freezing).

After applying changes and rebooting Ubuntu started in low graphics mode. I pressed ALT + CTRL + F1. I deleted the following file:

 sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Then I restarted the PC:

 sudo reboot

My machine uses again the open source driver and it works fine. If you don't have big issues with the open source driver, I really recommend not to switch on the closed source one.

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