Ubuntu – Installing Cisco Packet Tracer 7 on Ubuntu 16.10

16.10cisconetworkingsoftware installation

I am new to Linux. Trying to install Packet Tracer 7 on Ubuntu 16.10 with no success. Basically tried two different methods from Ubuntu previous answers namely:
Method one:
How do I run Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1?

  1. Re-download Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0 for Ubuntu.

  2. Open up Downloads folder, rename to CiscoPacketTracer6.0.

  3. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t).

  4. Type in:

    sudo su

And type in your password and press Enter

  1. Then type:

    • cd Downloads
    • ls
    • chmod +x CiscoPacketTracer6.0
    • ./CiscoPacketTracer6.0

I got stuck here getting the error: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error.

Method two:

From the same link above second answer:basically the same method, the difference is:

  • sudo chmod a+x PT601.tar.gz

  • bash ./PT601.tar.gz

Got stuck again with the error: cannot execute binary file

Then searched again and found that it might be a 64/32 bit error so I downloaded the 32bit version from netacad and tried the first method again and got the same error: cannot execute binary file.
Then I tried the second method and got: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error.
The netacad provides the following two versions:

Linux Desktop Version 7.0 English

  1. Ubuntu 14.04 supported for 64 bit;

  2. Ubuntu 12.04 supported for 32 bit

I have tried both with no success. I couldn't find any kind of help on netacad site on how to install those two files.
As I am totally new to Linux, I would appreciate it if the (possible) answer is detailed. I am not familiar with terms and methods yet.

Best Answer

Here is how I installed Packet Tracer. After downloading the file, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal in the same folder the trace file was downloaded. When it opens, I ran the command below, and that started the installation process:

sudo ./install

Once the installation was done, I ran


And that started the app.

enter image description here

You also can create a desktop shortcut for the application